About Us

About Miller Engineering

A Note from Our Founder:

I founded Miller Engineering in 1980 with a mission to provide high level Professional Engineering safety contributions in mechanical, agricultural, electrical, and chemical engineering areas wherein we have both seasoned associates and newer engineers learning from the seniors.

While focusing on in-world projects, we also have professorial ties with Michigan, Purdue, and Michigan State. in addition to Miller Engineering has conducting research, teaching and consulting in the areas described herein, Dr Lehto and I wrote the original books on warnings and instructions which still guide the research and scientific analyses relative to warnings-instructions creation and effectiveness. 

We have analyzed the safety of product designs, have acquired patents, and have analyzed and reconstructed accidents from a physics and human factors perspective. Included herein are examples of our designs for a large variety of projects guided by our diverse engineering staff. This includes a span from warning labels, operator manuals, hydroelectric plants to the more modern solar farms, and vertical vegetable and cannabis farming. Forensic services include consultations and expert testimony related to product liability issues, accident reconstruction, patent infringement, and compliance to standards, including OSHA, ANSI, ASTM, CPSC, EPA, DOT, and FDA.

Our affiliated companies active operate facilities which we have designed and own, including a hydroelectric plant, solar farm, forestry operation, Columbia River marina, and large farm-ranch agricultural operations in Idaho and Oregon. Ours full-time WIO (work in office)staff  gives us the capacity to handle large cases and class-action lawsuits; we have experience in such cases regarding asbestos and vehicles.

The company builds the detailed foundations necessary to support whatever reports, opinions or testimony might arise from challenges to our analyses. Such thoroughness of course does not make us the least expensive, but our success on behalf of manufacturers, distributors, retailers, insurance companies and injured plaintiffs provides the justification.

We would be happy to discuss a potential project with you (toll-free 888-206-4394). All initial consultations with us are, of course, complimentary. Or we can provide you paper or electronic copies of our corporate brochure and fee schedule via your email or telephone request.


James M. Miller, PE, PhD – Founding Partner

Our Locations

Main Office:

2392 Fuller Court
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Phone: (734) 662-6822
Toll-Free Phone: (888) 206-4394
Fax: (734) 747-9712

Western Offices:

  1. Boise–Twin Falls, Idaho
  2. Portland–Clatskanie, Oregon

Click here to email us. 

Brochure of Services

Please see the attached brochure for a summary of our services.

Miller Engineering Brochure

Fees for Services

Our detailed fee schedule will be supplied upon personal request. Requests can be made by email, or phone 734-662-6822.

Initial Telephone Consultation: No Charge

Normal Minimum Retainer:

  • Engineering/Consultation Projects: $1,000
  • Litigation/Expert Testimony Projects: $5,000
  • Depositions or Trial Testimony Minimum (Preparation, testimony, and travel): 10 Hours

Hourly rates range from $75-$490/hour depending on staff person and type of service.

Staff Publications

Topic areas Miller Engineering staff have published